I just got back from the first Aloha Ruby Conference. I approached Ruby as another language to learn without appreciating the vibrant community. Rails core member Aaron Patterson (@tenderlove) gave the keynote on Rails 4. I’m really hoping we can move Cheqbook over to it soon.

I also had the pleasure of attending with two local Maui Ruby devs,  Cheqbook Alumni Jean-luc Langlois and Franco Sebregondi.

I had a pleasant dinner back here on Maui at Flatbread Pizza with speakers Sam Livingston-Gray (@geeksam) and James Edward Grey II (@jeg2) who visited after the conference.

About Me

Hi, I’m Ben Ward (he/him). I’m an developer and entrepreneur based in Maui. My passions are Ruby on RailsReact, making, and triathlons.

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