My Story
Hi, I’m Ben Ward (he/him). I’m an developer and entrepreneur based in Maui. My first company, Solis, was the second domain registrar in Japan. My second company, Maneo, was the first social lending company in Japan. After that I created Maui-based Cheqbook, a cloud accounting SaaS helping small-business owners managing their books faster. Then, I was VP of Engineering at Findery, a social network for users to share what fascinates them about places in the world. Currently, I’m a software engineer for RealGeeks. My passions are Ruby on Rails, React, making, and triathlons. See what I’ve been up to lately.
SKill seT
Backend: Ruby, Python, Node

Frontend: React,Vue, Angular

DB: Postgres, MySQL, Mongo

DevOps: AWS, Kube, Docker


Latest Posts
Making face masks and shields on Maui
I’m proud to be part of a bunch of makers and volunteers making face masks and shields here...
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I do my coding in vim. My favorite part of vim is the speed at which you can...
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I wanted to share what worked for me in my last job search. I’ve sent this to 4...
Read MoreIncrease your vim performance when using syntax highlighting
For any vim people, I thought you might find this useful. As people who have paired on my...
Read MorePicking your own wings with JQuery
I just did another post about the Kafkaesque face swapping art installation I did at ArT=Mixx at the...
Read MoreFace Swapping with Python & OpenCV
We just had ArT=Mixx Metamorphisis here at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center on 2/4/2017. The ArT=Mixx is...
Read MoreHow to be fierce, kill heroes, and conquer imposter syndrome
It was Saturday 4:30AM. I was 30 hours into at the Hawaii Uber/@devleaguehawaii hackathon when React-Native doesn’t work. Someone...
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At Findery, we had an issue where image manipulation was failing when we ran out of memory (“Cannot...
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File under “It’s not funny if you have to explain the joke” Typical speed camera traps have built-in...
Read MoreLearning Swift with friends and family
Two friends of mine were interested in getting into programming. I thought it would be great for Shion...
Read MoreFinding Flow with the Pomodoro technique
I want to thank fellow Maui Rubyist Justin Gordon for introducing me to the Pomodoro technique. The pomodoro technique is...
Read MoreZen and the Art of Hybrid Maintenance
We have two first generation Honda Civic Hybrids. After the transmission died in one, I decided to transfer...
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